This card section here to edit the footer of your website is simply scroll down to the bottom and you can see this different information we have. Quick links for people to find the insurance that they need. We've got company information address and ours and social media links. So if we wanted to change this, what we would do is we'd go into the best insurance dashboard and on the side you'll see true WP settings. Now you can adjust the header and the footer from here. Today, we're going to look at how to adjust that footer. We click on that link and it brings us to these the truWeb interface. The first contact module that we see up here is the copyright. So we have copyright. It has the year. The current year, best insurance. All rights reserved. I would leave that the way it is.
If you wanted to change the menu. So if we go back to the site here, if you wanted this to be something different, you would just change that here and you would have to set up a different menu and link to that. Same with the the company information here at the bottom. You would just change that in the menu settings, which is in a different video. Next, we're going to look at the address and ours. This is something that you probably will be changing more often than not. Say you added Saturday and you wanted to say we're open from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.. You could add that there.
Also, if you needed to change the phone number, you would just change the numbers here and you could change that link. So when people click on that phone number, if they're on a mobile device, it'll automatically open in their phone app. So if you change the number here, if you changed it to five, five, six, you'll want to make sure that you change the link here as well. You can adjust the address here and any other settings that need to be changed as well, if you need to change the social media links. Here's where you would do that again. Make sure that the links are correct as you change them. So this is linking to our Facebook, our Twitter and our LinkedIn and using the code built into truWeb. It automatically generates a icon for each of those here. If you needed to change that, you would change it similar to changing a link, and you would just change that here in the ahref area.
And if you are happy with your footer settings, you'd simply go up and press update. And when we refresh the page, we can see we added Saturday, 10:00 a.m. and the new phone number, so if they clicked on it, that phone number