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There may be certain circumstances where multiple policies may not automatically attach when downloaded. For example, if a client has separate policies with different insurance carriers, the client’s data can sometimes vary in their downloads. A policy may download separately if the policy data details below do not match exactly.
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If a client’s Edoc is client’s eDoc is missing from their account, a broker can easily attach the document under the ‘Insureds’ tab for the client, using the below steps.
Locate the missing Edoc from missing eDoc from either your BMS system or the insurance carrier portal.
Save the Edoc as the eDoc as a PDF file.
Go back to the truMobile web portal.
Under the ‘Actions’ column, click the ‘Add/View Edocs’ icon.
Locate the policy you would like to add the Edoc to.
Click the ‘Add Edoc’ buttonLocate insured’s profile
Click on Docs
Click the ‘Add eDocs icon.
Click ‘Browse.’
Upload the Edocthe PDF file.
Enter the ‘Issue Date,' ‘Business Purpose,’ and ‘Document Type.’
Click the ‘Add’ button.