How to Create a Developer's Apple Account
In order for us to release your app in the Apple app store, you will need to create a developer Apple account, and grant Trufla admin access so we they can submit your app to the store.
We’re going to We will walk you through the entire process, please . Please note there is an annual fee of $99 for the Apple account.
Before you start, you’ll need the below:
Your personal information, such as email address, phone number, etc.
Your cellphone
Your company credit card
Your DUNS number. Please make sure you have a DUNS number, check here for more information truMobile - DUNS Number - truMobile .
Here are the steps:
Step 1 : Create and an Apple ID truMobile - Step 1 - Create an Apple ID - truMobile
Step 2: Create an Apple Developers Account truMobile - Step 2 - Create an Apple Developer Account - truMobile
Step 3: Add to your account truMobile - Step 3 - Add as an admin - truMobile
To maintain your iOS App in the storesstore, we will need your help in keeping this account updated.
truMobile - Your Developers Apple Account Login /wiki/spaces/TKB/pages/58392784