You need to create 2 new mailboxes one for your BMS and one for Trufla.
Once you have confirmed a timeframe with your BMS provider (Step 3), let CSIO know when to turn on mailbox forwarding according to that date that works for you and your BMS provider.
Request the forwarding rule start, please email CSIO at support@csio.freshdesk.com, please use this template
"Please start the forwarding rule to forward all CSIO messages from the current primary mailbox to the two new mailboxes we had you set up.
‘I hereby give my consent, authorizing the service provider mentioned above access to my brokerage’s client data through the creation of an additional CSIOnet account mailbox, with the mail forwarding rule applied.’
Let us know when the forwarding will take effect so we may update our BMS provider.
We understand there is an additional charge for each mailbox. "
Notify Trufla of the date the forwarding will begin.
Notify your BMS provider as soon as the forwarding has been turned on to switch your mailbox setting to pull from "Yourbrokeragename-BMS” instead of your primary mailbox in order to avoid any gaps in data.
Now that you’ve switched your BMS mailbox settings to pull from the new BMS mailbox.
Confirm new downloads are being received by the BMS.
If you do not see new downloads, please contact your BMS provider as soon as possible.
Everything is now complete! You can request your initial loads
Send each BDM for each insurer the below request
We are working with Trufla Technology to get the mobile app set up for our brokerage. They need initial loads for our book of business through you.
Kindly send us the initial downloads as an attachment by e-mail NOT through CSIO.
Please send initial loads for the following Contract Numbers (broker codes):………………………….
Kindly release after the Initial Load has been completed.
Please copy Trufla in the e-mail if possible CSIO@trufla.com.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Account Manager.