Note |
Don’t request initial loads unless you receive an email from Trufla giving you the green-light to request initial loadsgo-ahead. |
When you initiate and start your new mailboxes mailbox setup CSIO MAILBOXES SETUP - truMobile, we start receiving your data from the day you turned on the forwarding rule.
So, we need to capture all other policies that were downloaded before we started the new setup.
You can request them once you finish the CSIO setup and request the forwarding enabled. You can use the email template to request this, EMAIL 1: Request Enabling of forwarding Rule Setup Email templates - truMobile
You can request initial loads to be sent by reaching out to your carrier’s business development manager, EMAIL 2: Request Initial loads from insurers Setup Email templates - truMobile
Once you send the same email to each of your carriers, you can wait for them to respond with an email with an attachment. ( not in the CSIO mailbox)