Versions Compared


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Don’t request initial loads unless you receive an email from Trufla giving you the go-ahead.


  • You can request them once you finish the CSIO setup and request the forwarding enabled. You can use the email template to request this, EMAIL 1: Request Enabling of forwarding Rule Setup Email templates - truMobile

  • You can request initial loads to be sent by reaching out to your carrier’s business development manager, EMAIL 2: Request Initial loads from insurers Setup Email templates - truMobile

  • Once you send the same email to each of your carriers, you will receive an email with an attachment in response. (not in the CSIO mailbox)


  • We will continue to collect initial loads by email.

  • Some are sent through secure email connections that need to be collected right away before they expire.

  • Each insurer will send the data to you in the form of attachments in emailsan email.

  • Some insurers send it through secure email, which has an expiry date (RSA 7 days, Intact 30 days, Wawanesa 7 days).

  • Note: Unica insurance doesn’t provide initial loads as attachments in emails. Instead, they send it to the mailbox and send a confirmation email.
