Primary Mailbox: Your current mailbox, where all insurers should continue to send info to (No Change) Please continue to provide your insurers with this primary mailbox information.
BMS Mailbox (New): You will switch your BMS to pull information from this mailbox. All copy of all data received in the primary mailbox will be forwarded to this mailbox daily ( forwarding rule)
Trufla mailbox (New): Trufla will be pulling information from this mailbox to your app. All copy of all data received in the primary mailbox will be forwarded to this mailbox daily ( forwarding rule)
Here is a step by step process on how we will make this switch.
Now that you’ve switched your BMS mailbox settings to pull from the new BMS mailbox.
Confirm new downloads are being received by the BMS.
If you do not see new downloads, please contact your BMS provider as soon as possible.
Everything is now complete! You We will check and let you know when you can request your initial loads
Send Wait for our signal to send each BDM for each insurer the below request. Check Requesting Initial loads - truMobile