On-Site SEO

On-Site SEO

The goal of on-site SEO is for your brokerage’s web pages to rank higher on the search engine results page, which will bring in more essential traffic to your website.  

Keyword Research & Keyword Mapping

Keyword research is discovering the words that your target audience use to search for your product or services information and other content. The goal is to choose the right keywords that will direct prospective clients to your website. How do you do this? We will explain how to select keywords in section X.

Keyword mapping is a strategy that focuses your main keywords with variations of those keywords to align with your website’s structure. Mapping allows you to figure out what content to optimize and build, and where to attract additional traffic. Mapping satisfies the searcher’s intent and the relevance of each content page. 

Some metrics to look at are keyword difficulty and search volumes in the keyword search tools below. A great resource for Keyword Mapping is found here.

How to Search for Keywords (Tools)

There are many keyword search tools on the market today, including a few that are free.

Here are 9 Keyword Search Tools:       

  • Google Keyword Planner 

  • KWFInder 

  • Google Search Console 

  • Google Trends (Free) 

  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools 

  • Keyword Generator (Free) 

  • Moz Keyword Explorer 

  • Ahrefs Keywords Explorer 

  • SEMrush Keyword Magic