Incorrect or Missing Premium Amount

Incorrect or Missing Premium Amount

Client Page

Issue: Premium details are missing on the Policy Card


  1. The Client has an active policy

  2. Premium payment details are missing, an “i“ is displayed


The Premium Amounts are pulled into truMobile from the CSIO - EDI File Download.

The required fields needed to display the details are:

  • payment_plan_code should equal 'MO'

  • next_withdrawal_date should be current or future date and next_withdrawal_amount should exist

  • Otherwise, next_withdrawal_amount and next_withdrawal_date and their values must exist

In case of any of the fields are missing or do not have values, then an “i“ will be displayed disclosing a message “For payment info, refer to the policy document“.


In case you wish to make changes the policy/premium details on our portal, we kindly ask that you to contact the insurance company and request a new EDI file download.

Once we receive the new EDI file with valid/correct data from the insurance company, the policy premium will be updated on our portal.

Please note that an EDI file must be sent by the insurance company and is necessary for making the policy/premium changes on our portal. Sending us policy documents in a pdf format will not suffice, it must be part of the download.

Issue: Premium details are incorrect on the Policy Card


  1. The Client has an active policy

  2. Premium payment details are incorrect


The Premium Amounts are pulled into truMobile from the CSIO - EDI File Download.

As these details are incorrect, it is because we must have received incorrect data from the last EDI file download.

In this case, to make changes the policy/premium details on our portal, we kindly ask that you contact the insurance company and request a new EDI file download.

Once we receive the new EDI file with valid / correct data, from the insurance company, the policy/premium will be updated on our portal.

Please note that an EDI file must be sent by the insurance company and is necessary for making the policy/premium changes on our portal. Sending us policy documents in a pdf format will not suffice, it must be part of the download.

If you need any further assistance or have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’re here to help.


Thank you for choosing truMobile.