

This SEO guide aims to teach you about the on-page SEO factors that impact how a website and webpage will rank in the SERPs. 

On-page SEO components that a content writer is responsible for:

  1. Title tag 

  2. Meta description 

  3. H1  

  4. URL  

  5. Internal links and Anchor text 

  6. Alt text 

  7. On-page content 


If you’re not familiar with SEO or you are a beginner, read the blog posts below to understand the website components that affect SEO and to get a basic understanding of how content should be written to rank for SEO. 

  1. Beginner's Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - A great introduction to SEO. Please read this beginners guide to SEO. 

  2. SEO Copywriting: Writing Content for People & Search Engines  - A good overall education on SEO and how it impacts content writing. 

  3. Writing For SEO: What Does It Mean to "Write for SEO" in 2018? - Insights into what has changed in the area of SEO. 

  4. What Are On-Page Ranking Factors For SEO? - A good overview of on-page SEO factors. 

Install these Plugins

Use the plugins below to access title tags, meta descriptions and headings on a website. Both plugins essentially do the same thing except SEO Meta is easier to use and Moz gives a deeper insight into headings and duplicate meta description problems.

  1. SEO Metahttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-meta-in-1-click/bjogjfinolnhfhkbipphpdlldadpnmhc

  2. MozBar: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mozbar/eakacpaijcpapndcfffdgphdiccmpknp?hl=en  

Tools for Measuring the Length of Title Tags and Meta Descriptions 

 You can copy and paste title tags and meta descriptions into the tool below to make sure they are the optimal length. 

 Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool - Boost SEO w/ SERPSim    

SEO Copywriting