Requesting Initial loads - truMobile
Don’t request initial loads unless you receive an email from Trufla giving you the go-ahead.
When you initiate your two new mailboxes, CSIO MAILBOXES SETUP - truMobile, we start receiving your data from the day you turned on the forwarding rule.
So, we need to capture all other policies that were downloaded before we started the new setup.
This applies only to the insurers who provide you with downloads based on your agreement with the insurer.
How can we capture the history before this date?
We can capture the history through initial loads.
These are all the policies and updates to the policies which took place before we started collecting data from the CSIO mailbox.
Insurers are able to send us the initial loads from which we can show the policies. However, their systems are not able to pull electronic documents for your clients.
Policy EDI files, from which we extract all policy information are separate from PDF electronic documents.
Step 1: Request Initial loads
You can request them once you finish the CSIO setup and request the forwarding enabled. You can use the email template to request this, EMAIL 1: Request Enabling of forwarding Rule Setup Email templates - truMobile
You can request initial loads to be sent by reaching out to your carrier’s business development manager, EMAIL 2: Request Initial loads from insurers Setup Email templates - truMobile
Once you send the same email to each of your carriers, you will receive an email with an attachment in response. (not in the CSIO mailbox)
Step 2: Collecting Initial loads
We will continue to collect initial loads by email.
Some are sent through secure email connections that need to be collected right away before they expire.
Each insurer will send the data to you in the form of attachments in an email.
Some insurers send it through secure email, which has an expiry date (RSA 7 days, Intact 30 days, Wawanesa 7 days).
Note: Unica insurance doesn’t provide initial loads as attachments in emails. Instead, they send it to the mailbox and send a confirmation email.